Happening Now
Texas Treasure Hunt
Out in our vast Lone Star State, you, as a down-to-earth trailblazer, are faced with a sizeable challenge: to uncover a hidden gem within the sprawling and intricate expanse of the landscape ahead.
Expect none of the ordinary on this wild ride, for the treasure you’re fixin’ to snag takes an offbeat form—a gizmo they call an OpenDime, packin’ the mysterious currency, Bitcoin. It’s stashed in a bag of grain, sealed up tight in a jar with a touch of that rustic charm (check out the picture), just waiting for the one with the grit to claim it. Unravel them clues, and you’ll be wearin’ the crown as its rightful owner.
To dive into this venture, you gotta follow the clues, like tracks in the Texas dust, promising enlightenment as big as the Lone Star State sky. Let those clues be your North Star, guiding you through the wisdom needed for this expedition. What amps up the excitement is that this here treasure, born of the Bitcoin breed, is said to gain value as time rolls on. Swing by the How It Works page for the lowdown on this mystifying escapade and draw wisdom from them who’ve kicked up the dust on this trail before you.
Current Value: 0.00436073 BTC
Address: 1NGzdi6CYXghM7ADPxs4A2dCs769ZXcHcu
This Treasure Is Crowdfunded.
Donate directly to the Opendime Address above to increase its value.
Finders Keepers. Winner takes all.
X Marks The Bitcoin
IRL Bitcoin Treasure Hunts
about Us
X Marks The Bitcoin creates real-world treasure hunts by placing bitcoin treasure in locations across the USA and then providing clues using the Lightning Network.