Happening Now

New Mexico Treasure Hunt

Out here in the vast expanse of New Mexico, amigo, you’ve got a challenge ahead. Your mission, if you’ll ride out for it, is to uncover a hidden treasure within the intricate landscape that stretches before you.

This ain’t your typical journey, as the prize you’re after comes in a newfangled form—a device known as an OpenDime, holding the elusive currency, Bitcoin. It’s waiting for the one with the spirit of the Southwest to claim it. Untangle them clues, and you’ll be the rightful owner, partner.

To navigate this adventure, follow the clues like tracks in the high desert, promising wisdom as vast as our expansive skies. Let those clues be your guide, steering you through with the savvy wits needed for this expedition. What adds a twist to the tale is that this treasure, born of the Bitcoin breed, is said to gain value over time. Check out the How It Works page for the lowdown on this mysterious escapade and draw inspiration from those who’ve tracked this New Mexico trail before you.

Current Value: 0.00100000 BTC



Access Code Hint:

From Clue 1, two colors of the two things

Access Code Hint:

In desert dwellings earthy and warm, what gives their walls a sturdy form?

Access Code Hint:

Spice whispers in a vibrant hue, what fiery pods bring flavors true?

This Treasure Is Crowdfunded.
Donate directly to the Opendime Address above to increase its value.
Finders Keepers. Winner takes all.

X Marks The Bitcoin

IRL Bitcoin Treasure Hunts

about Us

X Marks The Bitcoin creates real-world treasure hunts by placing bitcoin treasure in locations across the USA and then providing clues using the Lightning Network.

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